filename : Ran13b_preprint.pdf entry : journal conference : pages : 451-459 year : 2013 month : October title : Multi-Planar Plenoptic Displays subtitle : author : N. Ranieri, S. Heinzle, P. Barnum, W. Matusik, M. Gross booktitle : Journal of the Society for Information Display ISSN/ISBN : editor : publisher : Blackwell Publishing Ltd : United States volume : 21 issue : 10 language : english keywords : 3D display; light field decomposition; multi-planar; plenoptic function; display primitives; light transport abstract : Multi-planar plenoptic displays consist of multiple spatially varying light-emitting and light-modulating planes. In this work, we introduce a framework to display light field data on this new type of display device. First, we present a mathematical notation that describes each of the layers in terms of the corresponding light transport operators. Next, we explain an algorithm that renders a light field with depth into a given multi-planar plenoptic display and analyze the approximation error. We show two different physical prototypes that we have designed and built: The first design uses a dynamic parallax barrier and a number of bi-state (translucent/opaque) screens. The second design uses a beam splitter to co-locate two pairs of parallax barriers and static image projection screens. We evaluate both designs on a number of different 3D scenes. Finally, we present simulated and real results for different display configurations.