filename : Ran12.pdf entry : article conference : Pacific Graphics 2012, Hong Kong, 12-14 September, 2012 pages : 2135-2143 year : 2012 month : October title : Multi-Layered Automultiscopic Displays subtitle : author : Nicola Ranieri, Simon Heinzle, Quinn Smithwick, Daniel Reetz, Lanny S. Smoot, Wojciech Matusik, Markus Gross booktitle : Computer Graphics Forum ISSN/ISBN : 1467-8659 editor : Holly Rushmeier and Oliver Deussen publisher : Blackwell Publishing Ltd. : 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford oX4 2DQ, UK volume : 31 issue : 7pt2 language : English keywords : Hardware Architecture—Three-dimensional displays abstract : Our hybrid display model combines multiple automultiscopic elements volumetrically to support horizontal and vertical parallax at a larger depth of field and better accommodation cues compared to single layer elements. In this paper, we introduce a framework to analyze the bandwidth of such display devices. Based on this analysis, we show that multiple layers can achieve a wider depth of field using less bandwidth compared to single layer displays. We present a simple algorithm to distribute an input light field to multiple layers, and devise an efficient ray tracing algorithm for synthetic scenes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by both software simulation and two corresponding hardware prototypes.