filename : Wic05b.pdf entry : appeared conference : Eurographics '05, Dublin, Ireland, Aug 29th - Sep 2nd, 2005 pages : 667--676 year : 2005 month : September title : Efficient Animation of Point-Sampled Thin Shells subtitle : author : Martin Wicke, Denis Steinemann, Markus Gross booktitle : Proceedings of Eurographics '05 ISSN/ISBN : editor : Marc Alexa and Joe Marks publisher : Blackwell Publishing : Oxford volume : 24 issue : 3 language : english keywords : animation, thin shells, point based graphics abstract : We present a novel framework for the efficient simulation and animation of discrete thin shells. Our method takes a point sampled surface as input and performs all necessary computations without intermediate triangulation. We discretize the thin shell functional using so-called fibers. Such fibers are locally embedded parametric curves crisscrossing individual point samples. In combination, they create a dense mesh representing the surface structure and connectivity for the shell computations. In particular, we utilize the fibers to approximate the differential surface operators of the thin shell functional. The polynomials underlying the fiber representation allow for a robust and fast simulation of thin shell behavior. Our method supports both elastic and plastic deformations as well as fracturing and tearing of the material. To compute surfaces with rich surface detail, we designed a multiresolution representation which maps a high-resolution surface onto a fiber network of lower resolution. This makes it possible to animate densely sampled models of very high surface complexity. While being tuned for point sampled objects, the presented framework is versatile and can also take triangle meshes or triangle soups as input.